Monday, June 27, 2011

Programming Path

Each developer has his own way of learning. Some learn using books, others use tutorials and videos online, others learn it by trying. You also have your own way of learning, just like any other subject you have to memorize the basic functions, the structure and syntax of each language. Here I'll be showing you how I got to C++ and on the way to assembly. first start by using a basic programming language. Visual Basic is a good one. Now Visual Basic is succeeded by a new language which is almost if not 99% the same. its called Visual Basic .Net. the (.Net here doesnt mean its related to anythign online and it doesnt stand for Network) it got its name from "Next Generation Windows Services" which was the codename for the first .NET release. Back to the topic. I chose .NET to begin my programming journey with because of its simplicity. The Visual Basic.Net code is almost English. That was my first programming language ( I highly recommend learning it first). However, now i reocmmend starting with a new language that was not as poplar when i started learning. I recommend Microsoft Smallbasic (get it here It is a free compiler released by Microsoft in 2008


after you learn Smallbasic and visual then move to C#. C# would be much easier to learn since you have built a background with Smallbasic and Visual Basic. While learning C#, I recommend learning another extra language like Java / Python and after that go ahead and get C++. At that time, c++ wont be that problem either, once you know C++ you would have 5 languages in your pocket and you'll be ready to build huge DESKTOP applications, once you get bored from desktop applications go ahead and learn the Web Languages (which is something i am too lazy to do now) and if you start like me in an early age. By the time you are in college, you would shock your professor by how muych you already know. I promise you. If you learn these languages and you want to Major in computer related degree, you would not be wasting any second because everything adds up in the end.

Good Resources to start learning: --- Microsoft Developers Network --- Great Load of examples in a variety of programming languages here --- Full of tutorials, examples, and libraries. --- also a nice place to get some examples --- another famous and nice place to get open source examples --- they have a nice set of controls if you are so lazy like me to deal with GDI classes

Compilers and IDEs(Development Environments): --- open source, full support, free IDE for windows --- open source, free, full, IDE for windows, linux, and Mac OSX --- Retail software (not free), free edition exists but lacks a lot of features, however it stays one of my favorite --- good one for C++ --- I like to use it for python

Icons resources -- these are websites if you don't have time to make your own. if you have time,  encourge you to make your own : --- to get icons for your applications --- they have cool icons --- some are free others are not. --- they have some nice icons out there --- some sets here are really incredible

I hope you guys liked it (the first time I write an article without being forced by a teacher :) )
don't forget to follow my blog and comment :) thx 

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